Invisible Man Questions

Chapter 1
1. Allusion is used in the first paragraph because the narrator says that he is no freak of nature,  other things having been equal (unequal)  for 88 years.

2. The advice from the grandfather is that the narrator should yield to racism because living life was war and whatever the white men ask of him he should agree but be smart with it

3. The significance of the narrator is viewing himself as Booker T.  Washington because  at the battle royal he learn that life is hard for blacks but he remembered that Booker T.  Washington philosophy is that Black Africa American can achieve anything

4. The narrator feels as if he knows that he was put into the room for the entertainment of the white man

5 . The chapter shows the limits of assimilation by having the white men not understanding the idea of a black men
                       Chapter 2
1 The road in the 1st paragraph used as a metaphor because of the white line as Mr. Norton is been driven around

2. The rhetorical purpose is that the statue is a white man figure and it reminded the narrator that it was during slavery time

3. Diction and syntax is described as ironic because of the arrival of the white millionaire

4 Allusion is used as the way Norton is describe as the great tradition and the way he is describe

5. The narrator fears the white man because  the farmer is poor with no power

6. It was only for trueblood that impregnated his daughter

7.It is a example of foreshadowing because of the incident with trueblood

8. It makes the reader think about the reactions of Norton and how he felt because he wouldn't want that to happen to his daughter

9. The tone is not guilty because trueblood believe he didn't do that to his daughter

10. What's ironic is that the white community rewards trueblood family because of racial

11. He brings Aunt Cloe because he was going to give his daughter an abortion

12. Trueblood received more charity because  they reward him for making the black community look worse

13. Norton wants to live up like other white people


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