Chapters 4-6

Chapter 4

1. Norton recognize the school looks threatened

2  The narrator hates Trueblood because of the situation about the daughter getting impregnated and he hates the people at the Golden Bay because of the way people was acting and he was afraid he might get kicked out of college

3. The effect of of comparing the campus building was that it shows how things haven't changed for African American, the college is controlled by the white who are rich

4.Dr. Bledsoe achieve power by following the path pointed to him by the white superiors.

5. The mirror and the aquarium are metaphors because Bledsoe uses the mirror to hide his face and the aquarium is like the mask of the feelings he hiding

                     Chapter 5

1. The comparison is the red glare to a white man eye

2. The tone of the two paragraphs is serious because the room is sad

3. The rhetorical effect is  the last sentence of the passage is asked to doubt freedom

4. The phrase the narrator uses is "I watched him smiling at first "  he touched a white man and knew he was one of him

5. Allusion is used in the speech compares the founder of Jesus

6. Simile is used to express the effect by saying the coal black sky like a reluctant and solitary tear

7. Sound devices are connected to "black" is that the narrator talks about black which is dark conspiracy

8. The rhetorical effect of Barbee blindness is that Barbee says he is a expert in life but yet he is blind

9. The image the narrator see is that he see Barbee stumble and he realized that Barbee is blind

                   Chapter 6
1. His posture is relaxed

2. Bledsoe is angry with the narrator because he thinks that the narrator should have lied but told Norton the truth

3. Bledsoe ideas is that he believe that whites should believe that they are in power

4. Repetition is used as offensive because Bledsoe kept saying "that"  which makes the narrator offended by the name he was called
5. It is foreshadowing because it foreshadow how Bledsoe will help him in the future


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