A Lesson Before Dying

            Chapter 3

1. On page 22 Henri implied that Jefferson "Did it" as Henri said that with no doubt in his mind that Jefferson did it and that he spoke for Jefferson because of his aunt,  but all the time he knew Jefferson did it.

2.  Grant is implying that Miss. Emma wants him to go talk to Henri but he doesn't want to and she keep saying that Grant doesn't have to talk to him and Miss Emma wants Grant to go so Henri can help him.

3. Grant says that as a child growing up on his plantation,  he could not imagine Henri house,  existing without him and his aunt there.  Having to enter through the back door rankle Grant because he hasn't been through the back door since he left for the university ten years before.

4. Miss Emma prevail on Henri to speak to the sheriff on her behalf because she was saying that she was old and her heart wont take it,  she needed someone to take her place to speak.

                   Chap. 4

1. This echo and expand on the public defender summation in Jefferson trial because the jury called him a hog.

2. He feels compelled to flee because he wants to go somewhere were he can feel alive,  and to feel like he is living.  He doesn't want to spend the rest of his life teaching school in a plantation church.  He despite the urge to leave because of Vivian.

                         Quotation  Chap.  1 #1&2
"I was not there,  yet I was there "

1. This quotation relates to the theme of responsibility . It relates because Grant took responsibility that he was not there,  yet he was there and was there as much as anyone else was there.

2. The quotation relates to Grant, he accepts his consequences even though he was not at the trial.


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