The Wild

Chapter 16
Quotation 1: chapter 16 page 364
        Cheryl said " Its only a herb, like tea"
This quotation characterize her mother, It characterize her mother because she said that her mother was going through a phase, which she had smoked pot, but did not do it in front of her or her siblings.  Yes, this quote relates to a theme, the theme is  when you go through a phase and you do not think about what you are doing you just react to it and do things that you do not mean.  It relates by saying that if anyone ever went through something in life that they would probably do the same thing.

Quotation 2: chapter 16 page 365
         " Blood is thicker than water"
 This quotation characterize cheryl mother,  It characterize her because that was her mother belief in spite of the fact that the family being short of blood relations. Yes this quote has a theme,  the theme is do not put your friends before family and it relates to this because it is saying that your family is always there for you and they come first before your friends.


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